Member-only story
Round 1 of IEO on ExMarkets SOLD OUT!
And EACH Round will NOW last for 1 week ONLY!
It’s raining DISCOUNTS!
Bitwings carried out its first ever Initial Exchange Offering on ExMarkets Launchpad with Round 1 commencing on June 3rd, 2019. Highly impressively, Round 1 was absolutely SOLD OUT in less than 2 weeks and now, Round 2 is ON AIR NOW!
Save the date!
ExMarkets Launchpad strives to bring on-board some of the most potential projects trending in the cryptocurrency industry and Bitwings holds upmost pride in being an active part of this renowned exchange platform.
How will YOU be benefited by taking part in the Bitwings IEO?
The MAIN product of Bitwings is the MinePhone WX, a smart phone with the ability to mine cryptocurrencies. The cost of a MinePhone WX is always going to stay at 6,000 BWN tokens. Also, the basic package includes a free mining plan that can gross you up to 0.2 ETH per month.