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To talk about Hybrid Dialer, you must first know about hybrid technology for cell phones since these two are directly related and in this article we summarize the information you should know.
By the way, do you know if your smartphone has this application?
Hybrid technology
Hybrid technology is designed to modify the tools that a device previously has, on the market there are hybrid cars that combine an electric motor with a diesel or gasoline combustion engine. In this case, the advantage of combining these engines is that fuel consumption is reduced by between 30 and 40% approximately.
Hybrid Computers
The innovations do not stop, for this reason in the market you can find several devices that facilitate your experience. Among the options are tablets and keyboards, which, when combined, form a computer. Portable option to accompany you to all the desired places.
The hybrid keyboard connects via bluetooth, avoiding the connection of cables, interference and problems with the type of connectors you use.
Telephone calls in hybrid systems
But when it comes to hybrid cell phones, we are talking about making calls both through the mobile operator and the Internet network. If you…