Encrypted Calls from Your Smartphone

5 min readFeb 17, 2021

Make encrypted calls using the usual dialer on your cell phone, it is possible. Today we want you to know the native application of Wings Mobile as Secure Call is.

It is a native service that offers communication protection, adding to the list of applications for cell phone security offered by Wings Mobile.

But before explaining more about this tool, it is important that you know some terms about encryption in calls, how they work and where you find these possibilities.

What is encryption in communications about?

You may have seen on more than one occasion that some applications use end-to-end encryption to provide greater protection and confidentiality in calls and chats.

What does this ensure? That no third party can access the communications. This is possible thanks to encryption protocols that hide the information or content that is transmitted, in this way, only those involved in the conversation can hear what is being said.

All this happens over the Internet network, which is why a stable connection is essential for its correct operation.

Everything you need to know about encrypted calls




Bitwings aims to offer smartphones with futuristic technology to all its customers at competitive telephone rates and transmission of encrypted data.