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Ozone water has many benefits, today we want you to know them and of course, that you know how this liquid is produced. So, let’s get started!
The first thing is to clarify what O3 (ozone) is. This is a colorless gas, present in the air we breathe, perhaps you easily associate it with the ozone layer that covers the earth’s surface and protects us from ultraviolet rays.
It is a molecule that is composed of three oxygen atoms, with highly oxidizing properties that allow it to disinfect food, eliminating viruses, bacteria, fungi and even pesticides present.
How is ozone created?
O3 is used to purify air and water, thanks to this gas, a complete elimination of odors is achieved, it does not replace them like air fresheners, but rather eradicates them. Thus, food will achieve a natural smell and taste when exposed to ozone water.
For its production, an ozone machine is used for water or for air, in them, oxygen is taken from the outside and transformed into this gas, using electric discharges that increase the activation energy in oxygen atoms until they unite to three to form the O3.
We will talk promptly about the devices that you will find on the market to produce ozonated water. You will see many options, but you must be…